
ChrisFarris Chris Farris is a highly experienced IT professional with a career spanning over 25 years. During this time, he has focused on various areas, including Linux, networking, and security. For the past eight years, he has been deeply involved in public-cloud and public-cloud security in media and entertainment, leveraging his expertise to build and evolve multiple cloud security programs.

Chris is passionate about enabling the broader security team’s objectives of secure design, incident response, and vulnerability management. He has developed cloud security standards and baselines to provide risk-based guidance to development and operations teams. As a practitioner, he has architected and implemented numerous serverless and traditional cloud applications, focusing on deployment, security, operations, and financial modeling.

He is one of the organizers of the fwd:cloudsec conference and presented at various AWS conferences and BSides events. He was named one of the inaugural AWS Security Heroes. Chris shares his insights on security and technology on social media platforms like BlueSky, Mastodon and his website https://www.chrisfarris.com.

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